
Panchkarma is a unique method of treatment based on the Ayurvedic Principles. It is a process of cleansing and eliminating the toxins from our body. Thus Panchkarma acts as a CURATIVE, _PREVENTIVE_and _PROMOTIVE_procedure for skin and Hair Diseases. It includes main 5 karmas ( procedure).

Vaman :

Vaman is one of the karma from panchkarma. Vaman means therapeutic vomiting. Vaman karma is targeted mainly to expel increased kapha dosha & secondarily vitiated pitta dosha out of the body.

This cleansing method involves induction of vomiting by giving herbal decoction to eliminate excess kapha dosha.

Vaman karma is carried out in three stages.

  • poorva karma ( pre procedure/ snehpan)
  • pradhan karma ( main procedure)
  • paschyat karma (post procedure)

Poorva Karma :

In poorva karma medicated ghee is given to the patient in increasing order. massage & steam is also given to the patient.

Pradhan karma :

In pradhaan karma medical decoction is administered to the patient which helps to expel out the kapha dosha from the body.

Paschyat Karma :

In paschyat karma patient is adviced to take light diet for 3-5 days. Diet is increased gradually.

Virechan :

Virechan is one of the karma from panchkarma therapies where in purgation is induced by drugs . It specifically aims at the elimination of excessive pitaa dosha from the body. It eliminates the metabolic toxins through the anal canal.

Virechan karma is carried out in three stages

  • poorva karma ( pre procedure/ snehpan)
  • pradhan karma ( main procedure)
  • paschyat karma (post procedure)

Poorva Karma :

In poorva karma medicated ghee is given to the patient in increasing order. massage & steam is also given to the patient.

Pradhan karma :

In pradhan karma Bowel movement is induced by ayurvedic medication which helps to eliminate excess pitta dosha from the body.

Paschyat Karma :

In paschyat karma patient is adviced to take light diet for 3-5 days. Diet is increased gradually.

Basti Karma :

In basti karma the medicated oil or medicated decoction is administered through the anal route. Basti treatment used to remove excess vata dosha from the body . In ayurvedic classics basti having broader therapeutic action on almost all the tissues of the body and has rejuvenative, curative , preventive and health promotive actions

Basti have been categorized into various types according to ingredient & number of basti.

  • Anuvasan Basti /oil basti
  • Ashtpana basti/ kadha basti

Raktmokshan :

Raktamokshan is the blood cleansing & purification therapy. The word "Raktamokshan" is derived from two words "rakta" which means blood & "mokshan" which means leaves. Thus raktamokshan means to let the blood out.

Basti have been categorized into various types according to ingredient & number of basti.

Raktamokshan is generally of two types

  • Siravedh
  • Jalauka avacharan (leech therapy)

Siravedh :

In this process impure blood is removed from veins.

Jalauka avacharan :

Jaluka avacharan (leech therpy) In this impure blood is removed by medicinal leech


Nasya is Nasal installation of medicated oil or swaras of Herbal plant in the form of drop. It is mainly used for sinusitis, Allergic cold, Hair fall, Grey Hair etc

Other than above main Panchkarma procedure there are some Sub -Karmas which are very useful in Skin and Hair Diseases :

    • Whole body massage with medicated oil

    • Whole body steam with medicated herbal decoction

    • Ayurvedic facial massage

    • Ayurvedic Face Pack

    • Specialised Ayurvedic facial with milk,herbs and Medicated Rice. Uesd for the treatment of DARK SPOTS , HYPERPIGMENTATION on face.

    • It is Ayurvedic healing technique which involves slowly dripping of medicated oil, butter milk, milk or other medicated liquid on patient's forehead from specific height in a specific pendular motion. This treatment is useful for scalp , hair problems.Also useful in stress management and sleep disorder.