Ayurveda always encourages us to know ourself.


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Ayurveda is ancient science about 5000 years old.

It is more than a healing system.It is a science of life and art for appropriate life style which helps us to achieve a healthy life.

Dincharya (Daily Routine) and Ritucharya (Routine according to season) is part of healthy lifestyle which are mentioned in our ayurved samhitas by our Acharyas. But due to heavy workload and stressful life, everybody cant't follow it.

Living in polluted environment and stressful work give rise to many Skin and Hair problems.It may fasten the process of Ageing.

Our Services

These are the services we provide, these makes us stand apart.

chronic Skin disease

Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine. Sushruta Samhita is one the oldest Samhita of ayuveda.

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Hair disease

Healthy, long, thick and beautiful hair improve your personality. Hairs also act as a reflection of healthy state of inner body.

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Beauty Issue

Beauty is a mirror of your Physical,mental and Spiritual wellness.

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Panchkarma Treatment

Panchkarma is a unique method of treatment based on the Ayurvedic Principles.

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Why choose Sparsham

Sparsham Ayurved is a well-resourced and specialised Ayurvedic skin and hair care clinic. We focus on the chronic as well as acute skin and hair diseases, treat them accordingly and provide best results for last 8 years.

Passion Excellence and innovation in skin and hair traetment are being our core values

Sparsham Ayurved is built to heal and rejuvanate your skin and hair through the power of ancient ayurved.


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